Monday, December 3, 2007

In Praise Of Ayn Rand

I am hoping to present here a "layman's" understanding of Ayn Rand's philosophy and why it is important in today's world.

While it is always best to go to the source (meaning her writings, not those of the Ayn Rand Institute or The Atlas Society, however knowledgeable those groups are), I feel that she is basically misunderstood and demonized.

I am not going to be concerned (at first) with the deeper aspects of metaphysics or epistemology, but rather how her view of man and hence, how one should live their life can change the drift of the West towards its own destruction for both within and without, one person at a time.

We, each of us, have to shoulder the responsibility to live our life using reason, which is the one faculty separating human beings from the rest of nature.

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